About security

Why Billmonitor is secure

At Billmonitor, our most important asset is our relationship with you. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of any business or personal information about our clients. We are proud of our privacy practices and the strength of our website security and want you to know how we protect your information and use it to provide to you the service on https://billmonitor.com. Optimor complies fully with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) which applies to personal data in the UK, and the Data Protection Act 2018. We hold, process, and erase data in accordance with the GDPR. Read more about our privacy policy.

Only you can make spending decisions

We will only analyse your bills to provide you with money-saving recommendations – we will never make any changes to your mobile billing account without your explicit authorisation and instructions. Only you can make spending decisions.

Your personal information won’t be sold to anyone

Your personal login and billing information stays securely with Billmonitor and its contracted associates – we will never sell your billing data or other personal information to any third party. Billmonitor is a Registered Data Controller (Z1431613), you can rest assured your business and personal data is managed securely in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Bank-level data encryption for your mobile billing data

Your mobile billing data is stored securely using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) Encryption, which is a standard used for secure online bank account access. We use a combination of firewall barriers, encryption techniques and authentication procedures, among others, to maintain the security of your billing data.

Secure online connection

The connection between our website and your browser is encrypted and authenticated using a strong industry-standard protocol (TLS 1.2) with strong key exchange (ECDHE RSA with P-256), and a strong cipher (AES 128 GCM) to protect data transmissions including all your business or personal information.

Look for the padlock! You will know you’re in the “secure” area of our website when you see the “http” portion of the website address in your browser changes to “https.” The “s” stands for “secure.” In addition, many web browsers use special symbols to indicate that you’re in a website’s secure area, commonly a closed padlock.

You can delete your data at any time

Your business or personal information is yours. You can remove it any time you want by sending an email to [email protected] informing us of your wish to delete your information from the Service. Your business and personal information will then be permanently expunged from our primary production servers. However your data may remain on a backup server or media for up to 24 months. Optimor keeps these backups to ensure our continued ability to provide the Service to you in the event of malfunction or damage to our primary production servers. If you have any concern about your business and personal information or its deletion, you can contact our Data Protection Officer, on [email protected].