The Billmonitor Blog

Billmonitor supports local school

Billmonitor supports local school

At Billmonitor, we’re committed to giving back to our communities, particularly to those who tirelessly shape the future generation. That’s why we recently launched a mission to support a local school.

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A merry Christmas for the CSH Surrey team!

A merry Christmas for the CSH Surrey team!

Billmonitor decided to support the employee-owned NHS community healthcare provider with a Christmas tree, fairy lights and a shopping trolley full of mince pies, rocky roads, Christmas rolls, cookies, fruitcake and Christmas puddings for distribution to all their sites throughout Surrey.

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UK Public Sector Mobile Spending Analysis

UK Public Sector Mobile Spending Analysis

Billmonitor’s investigation of the UK Public Sector Mobile Phone Spend shows that the worst 10% are paying 7x as much as the most efficient 10%, and that organisations can achieve substantial savings regardless of their size or level of data use.

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